Course instructor

Economics Department, Brown University

ECON 1330: Gender and Development

Course Description:

This course examines how gender outcomes evolve with economic processes. Students will engage with theoretical frameworks and recent empirical research papers to understand the intersectionality of gender with important phenomenon studied in Development Economics. This course is ideal for students interested in applying insights and techniques from microeconomics and econometrics.

Spring 2024, 2024

Visiting Lecturer

Economics Department, Colgate University

ECON 443: Seminar in Policy Evaluation 

Topic: Synthetic Controls

Fall 2023, Instructor: Carolina Castilla

Teaching Assistant

Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University

AEM 6480: Food and Consumer Packaged Goods Industry Dynamics

Spring 2024, Instructor: Daniel W. Hooker

AEM 2600: Managerial Economics

Fall 2023, Instructor: Benjamin Leyden

AEM 2350: Introduction to the Economics of Development

Summer 2023 and Summer 2020, Instructor: Joanna Upton

Fall 2021 and Fall 2020, Instructor: Steven Kyle

AEM 4140: Behavioral Economics and Managerial Decisions

Spring 2022, Instructor: Geoffrey Fisher

Fall 2019, Instructors: Geoffrey Fisher and William Schulze

Summary of teaching effectiveness

Teaching Evaluations_Summary_Tarana Chauhan.pdf